Thursday, January 29, 2009

What does it mean to love your technology?

It seems that many people do not love their technology. And why should they? Its only lifeless hardware and software. Well, try reaching out to a friend without it and see how you feel about it then. Technology is everywhere within everything. There are less and less places that do not include some level of technology. And its not all wires and lights either. It has become a central system to the way that we communicate with one another. Whether its laughing together or doing business, sharing our special times or telling someone how mad they make us, it happens on technology. So, then why shouldn't we love it. Humans are already a very powerful race of connected beings of energy. We need other humans to connect to. Feeling anything but love for our new found nervous system of gadgets and gizmos simply creates another level of disconnect as we fumble through all of the meaningless data. People want to connect. Technology does that. In bold new ways every day. If we don't find ways to reconnect with our humanness within the context of our technological initiatives, then we simply drive larger and larger wedges between ourselves and others. Afterall, it is the human on the other side that we hope reads our email message and connects with something in us that brought about that capability in the first place. How many out there can say they love email because they love stairing at text all day long. I don't think so. We love being able to connect with another human being in our similar thought space and context quickly and easily. Sharing ideas and parts of our consciousness within minutes. Its what we do. So why is it that so much of what is being done with technology ends up either leaving us isolating alone with our iPods or worse, smothered in a pile of broken systems that we have now forgotten why we bought them in the first place. Technology is supposed to help, empower, ease our connections with others, not make it easier to disconnect or worse, isolate completely. So think about that, next time you are having problems with your email or computer system, think to yourself 'what is the point'? What do I have all of the technology for? To love your technology is confidently know why you have your technology (to connect and collaborate) and that it is doing just that. To be excited about the next thing, topic, connection and not worried about how your technology is going to stop you. To be empowered by your electric friends and not scared of them.

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