Friday, January 30, 2009

What is your intention? Connect or disconnect?

The most important element to consider when deterimining whether you love your technology or not is your intention. Is your intention with that new server to connect your team in a new more powerful way? Are you looking to isolate behind your email with that Exchange server upgrade project? Our reason for working with technology needs to be clear as we and the technology are so powerful and without a clear intention, we could end up making matters worse for ourselves. Ask yourself, why is it that this program isn't working? What is my intention for using it? How am I using it? Am I doing and saying the same thing about it? How is my integrity around this technology? Our intention for something plays a huge role in how it manifests within our physical experience. It also is what people are feeling and responding too, whether they know it or not, in all of our interactions with them. My job is to help define what the intention is for your projects and problems around your technology and be a facilitator for your growth and forward movement.

1 comment:

  1. We love that you love your technology! We do, too. Thanks for your inspired stories and insights.

    Kain and Jenna
    Energy Arts Alliance
