Monday, February 2, 2009

Technology: Saving time or wasting it?

This one can be a slick and sneaky one. Whether or not my time is saved or wasted, although seemingly confusing, is actually very straight forward and obvious. It is up to me to be truly honest with myself about it and stand for something bigger. Not just give in to what I think is cool. Wikipedia is cool, but sadly is largely a waste of time. I don't need to know about that new movie or whether or not Iceland's new Prime Minister is openly gay. I just don't. My time is better spent getting out there and helping others with technology. As it is a confusing thing at times and people can get so caught up in what is cool. Don't get me wrong (as I write this blog mind you) that I think written word on the Internet is a waste of time. But, again, what intention is it serving. If Wikipedia gets you motivated to go connect with a human on the topic you just read and find ways to serve each other or just connect as humans...awesome! If it is just a really great way to know lots of cool stuff and time warp your boring work day, then not so awesome. This is where it can get sneaky, which only means to the extent that we are hiding from ourselves. Thats all I have to say on that right now.


  1. I love my technology! I love my blackberry, my ipod, my blog and my virtual shop. However, I'm not loving my website. I'm working on streamlining it until I either love or downgrade it when the year is up. Cool!

  2. there is a paradox in your theology
    Time itself is a relative matter.
    we human beings created technology for one sole purpose.
    To make a task (communication, traveling, labor) easier and quicker.
    So we've got actually more time on our hands socially than ever in recorded history.
    For example. Joe works at a typical office job.
    he files company records and statements, etc.
    200 years ago, the same job was done by hand and paper, physically filing records, taking hours, days, even weeks.
    Today, this job is done in a matter of minutes with digital storage.
    Even if joe decides to take on another task after, there is still that small amount of time between tasks that Joe has free to do whatever he wants as opposed to the person 200 years ago who had a task take such a long time to finish that extra time was scarce.
    So you have to ask yourself, why is all that extra time, that we intentionally gave ourselves with technology, considered a waste if not being "productive"?
    Did we not strive to give ourselves more time so that we could essentially sit back, smell the roses and just enjoy being alive without any agenda?
    As well, why would you consider sitting and reading wikipedia articles a waste of time?
    Does it bring you enjoyment or do you sit there and tell yourself, why am I sitting here?
    If the case is you wonder why your sitting there, then you are not wasting your time, you're simply not following what brings you enjoyment. time is always there, we always breath. Life exists because it exists, not because we arrange it or utilize it.
